Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 10:30AM at BUMC
Wednesday, Oct. 1 at 6PM at BUMC
Thursday, Oct. 2 at 11:30AM at BUMC
Saturday, Oct. 4 at 9:30AM at BUMC
Sunday, Oct. 5 at 5PM at BUMC
Optional Meditation during the Second Week of Each Month
Oct. dates: T., Oct. 7, W., Oct. 8, Sat., Oct. 11 and Sun., Oct. 12
Please remember to put your donation in the basket for Centering Youth in lieu of extra fee.
Please note that in Oct. we have 4 T.s, 5 Wed.s, 5Th.s, 4 Sat.s and Sun.s.
Attached, please see the Oct. yoga calendar
Food for Thought
"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."Omar Khayyam