Here is this week's schedule:
Tuesday, Aug. 14 at 10:30AM at Habersham
Wednesday, Aug. 15 at 6PM at Habersham
Thursday, Aug. 16 at 11:30AM at Habersham; lunch postponed to Aug. 23
Saturday, Aug. 18 at 9:30AM at Habersham(Nina)
Sunday, Aug. 19 at 5PM at Habersham
Yoga TidBits
True yoga isn't just a workout. It is an ancient Indian philosophy espousing an eight-limbed approach to conscious living:
First Limb: Yama refers to ethical standards.
Second Limb: Niyama refers to self discipline and spiritual observances; there are 5 Niyamas:
1. Self-Purification; choosing what we feed our body and our mind.
2. Contentment, Accepting self, others and what life brings to us; it is our choice to be happy.
3. Self-Discipline; determined effort.
4. Self-Study; remembering, contemplating and meditating on the Self.
5. Self-Surrender; resting your attention in the center of your being to reach wholeness and the fulfillment of our inward quest.
Next week, I will have a short explanation of the third of the eight limbs.
Lunch Club Date
Next lunch: We postponed August lunch date to Thursday, Aug. 23
Hudson Grille; 2075 Northlake Pkwy, Tucker, GA 30084-5321
Reminders and notes
Please mark your calendars:
Art Show, Saturday, Oct. 27; 4 to 6PM
Couple's Thai Massage, Friday, Feb.8; 7 to 9PM
I will offer meditation on any day we meet for yoga when we have at least 5 persons committed. Please let me know if you are interested.
I have attached August's calendar for your reference and review.
Please label any item you leave in the yoga room with your name to avoid any confusion.
Thank you for participating in our Magazine Swap.
Food for Thought
"Mindfulness is be fully present for all the feelings and emotions that occur inside your heart, mind and soul, all at the same time. You have an entire world to explore inside of you."
My contact information
www.yogawithmariam.com; mgilmer@bgilmer.com; 404-939-4342
3569 Habersham at Northlake (3569 Northlake Center Dr.), Tucker, GA 30084; Bldg. K, first floor