Monday, April 23, 2012

Yoga this week and beyond

Hello,   This week we have our usual schedule:

Tuesday, April 24 @ 10:30AM at BUMC
Wednesday, April 25 @6PM at BUMC
Saturday, April 28 @ 9:30AM at BUMC


Sunday, April 29 @ 5PM at OGUMC

Other events;

Wednesday, April 25 Dinner Club meets at L'Thai at 7:30PM. Please let me know so I can make a reservation.

Saturday, April 28 at 11AM at Mary Scott Nature Preserve across from BUMC, Introduction to yoga. Free.

Tuesday, May 8, Lunch Club meets at Zuma at 11:45AM.  Please let me know so I can make a reservation.

Wednesday, May 9, at 10:30AM; Chair Yoga at Northlake Library.   Free but Registration required; call the library.

Saturday, May 19 at 11AM at BUMC, a fundraiser yoga for Mary Scott Nature Preserve; Donations of $15.00 or more.   All proceeds for park's maintenance.

Saturday, June 2, at 11AM,  Family Yoga at Northlake Library.   Free but Registration required; call the library
