Monday, June 16, 2014

This week's yoga

Hello, I am looking forward to our yoga this week:

esday, June 17 at 10:30AM at BUMC 

Wednesday, June 18 at 6PM at BUMC

  Thursday, June 19 at 11:30
AM at BUMC (chair/Mat yoga at Fellowship Hall)

Saturday, June 21 at 9:30AM at BUMC (Shonali)


Sunday, June 22 at 5PM at BUMC(Prachi)

Optional Meditation during the Second Week of Each Month

We just finished our second week meditation in June and we donated $36.00 to Centering Youth .
Please remember to put your donation in the basket for Centering Youth in lieu of extra fee.

Food for Thought

  " Have patience with all things, but first of all, with yourself."  Saint Frances de Sales
