Monday, January 5, 2015

This week's yoga, reminders, and more

Hello,  I am looking forward to our yoga this week on:
Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 10:30AM at BUMC

Wednesday, Jan. 7 at 6PM at BUMC

Thursday, Jan. 8 at 11:30AM at BUMC

Saturday, Jan. 10 at 9:30AM at BUMC

Sunday, Jan. 11 at 5PM at BUMC

Optional Meditation during the Second Week of Each Month   

January Dates:  Wed., Jan.7, Sat., Jan. 10, Sun., Jan.11, T., Jan. 13

  Your donation benefits Our House which provides care and education to homeless children and helps their parents to get to their feet.
lease remember to put your donation in the basket in lieu of extra fee.

  Lunch and Dinner Club Dates
Looking forward to having lunch and dinner with you in 2015.   Please send me your suggestions for dates and restaurants.


Attached please see the January calendar.
Please remember that instead of Th., Jan. 22, we will meet on Wed., Jan. 21 at the same time and place for the Chair/Mat Yoga.

Food for Though
"Happiness is in your ability to love others." Leo Tolstoy

  Happy January